Friday, August 11, 2006

Next Tuesday we are going to begin posting our senior session previews on the web. Seniors now get laser proofs in a bound book and are available to take home. The proofs are a great memento of their senior year photos, so its nice when the preview book can be kept intact. Some of the seniors have been cutting the images out of the book so they can lay them side by side for comparison. This cutting destroys the book so we are also going to give them the option to compare and choose their favorite images on line, so no cutting will be necessary. With nearly 50 images and more to choose from, this web option should make it easier and they wont have to cut up the proof book. Because we offer many products that show more than one image on it, such as the Storyboard, Trilogy and Panel, it will also be easy for our family and senior customers to choose their favorites for a wall hanging. You can see these products on our site at

Just finished a meeting with Steve and Gail here in the office. We worked out a plan to get our yearbook candid images up onto our ftp site. Yearbook advisors and the yearbook staff can simply go to our site and download images for the yearbook pages. The days of pasting prints to layout pages are gone. The past few years we had been giving CD's of images to the yearbook staff but that day is also coming to an end. The plan is that after we shoot a school assignment we will simply post the images for the staff to upload to their computers. Dale, Katie and Chris will be in the schools soon to demonstrate the process where needed. With this capability, images can be available for layout within hours of the assignment. This will be cool.

The Studios are very busy today. It's August 11th and as the summer winds down our High School Senior customers need to get photographed so they make the yearbook publisher deadlines. The phones have been ringing like crazy so we're going to open a few nights to get everyone in. It's an awesome day so the photographers are working with a few sessions in our outdoor studio getting some cool shots.