Friday, March 30, 2007

Picture From Mike Ross's Last Day

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Daffodil Thank You!

Jenna and Linda send out a big THANK YOU to everyone who supported the American Cancer Society throught Daffodil Days!

We all send a big THANK YOU back to Jenna and Linda for bringing this event to our studio!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Rocky Hill Foyer

Found this pic on the I drive of what it looks like as a customer walks in to the Rocky Hill studio.

The light boxes are pretty neat!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Monday, March 19, 2007

Blood Drive Tomorrow!

Don't forget that the Mercy Blood Mobile will be here tomorrow taking your donations!

The sign up sheet is posted in the kitchen - pencil yourself in today!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

A Lot Of Images Are Going Online!

Now that our new server is up and running, we've been adding a lot of new pictures to the website!

This past weekend, Rob, Karen, and Chris K shot over 3,000 images for MIAA and CIAC cheerleading competitions. Those images are all online. Check them out by going to the CAS/MSSAA tab on our website, then click to view MSSAA or CAS event photos. Choose the cheerleading competitions and check out all the photos. So far, the customer response has been great, with the pages being viewed ofver 2,500 times since Monday!

High School event photos are going online as well. So far, we've added a few events at the request of the students or coaches, but a lot more will be going up this spring!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Emailing Tip

Many of us send out emails to everyone in the company, but sometimes the replies from people get sent to everyone as well.

There are two ways to keep the "reply-alls" down.

1) If you are reply to to an everyone@ email, click reply all, then delete the everyone@ in the TO box. This will leave the sender only as the intended recipient of your email.

2) If you are sending an email to everyone@, put your email address in the TO field and put everyone@ in the BCC field. This will only allow replies to come to you and not to the rest of the company.

Monday, March 05, 2007


Taken from PSPA

The future of film

Last fall at photokina, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N.Y., unveiled its new series of improved Kodak Professional Portra color negative film. Jock McDonald, an editorial and advertising pro photographer, is a strong advocate for film. He also was one of the photographers to whom Kodak sent its new Portra film for his impressions. "I strongly disagree with the notion film is dead," he says. There are many situations in which film remains the better choice. Three such areas are nature photography, high-key situations, and strong backlighting. McDonald also notes he does self-assigned work in developing countries, where the heat and humidity are oppressive. "I'm glad I'm not carrying sensitive electronics with me," adding his film, once in a while, is left in the sun, due to not having an assistant with him; but the packaging was all he needed to be safe on that score. Even McDonald, however, has had to make concessions to digital photography because his clients ask for it. Lisa Wells, worldwide marketing director for Film Capture, Kodak, says McDonald's experience is far from being unique, and company research supports her optimism. "Our research shows most pro photographers are dual users," Wells says. "Ninety percent of professional photographers are shooting digital, while 60 percent are shooting either all or part of their work on film."

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Daylight Savings Time!

This is the first year that we begin hailing the arrival of daylight savings time in March, instead of April. The new zero hour is 2:00am, Sunday March 11. Some of your home computers may not automatically update if you have not run any Windows updates recently. Be sure to change your clocks!