Monday, April 30, 2007

Picture Lisa!!

Alright everyone........It's official! Our Team Name for the relay is Picture Lisa. So be sure to write that name at the top of your envelope! (If you don't write our name there, our team does not get credit for all of your hard work in raising funds for this event!) I have a meeting for ACS tonight so if anyone has any questions or if you have money to turn in, I can bring it tonight. Remember....the last 2 bank nights are this wed.(May 2nd) and next wed.(May 9th!) So make the calls, collect your funds, and let's make this the best relay year ever! Picture Lisa!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Messages From Friday

There is such a good feeling in the air today, even though it’s a rainy April day. Our last “Prep” meeting of the year was marked by great reviews of all we’ve accomplished in the last few months, and capped off by a super delivery from Dr. Steve Sobel. He made us laugh so much that we worked up an appetite.
When we arrived at work today, to the sight of our brand-new canopy/tent in the lot, which had been set up at 8 a.m. by Jason and some helpers, we knew then that the cookout would go on as planned, even in the rain.

All of us left the table with very full bellies, thanks to Bob, Helene, and Jimmy who worked tirelessly to feed us the best burgers and dogs. Thanks from all of us to them, especially for enduring the chill and the sprinkles. And thanks to Larry, Dan, Marc, and Chris for supplying the food.

As if that wasn’t enough, we had our first “make your own sundae” dessert in a long time. Gail supplied some homemade ice cream that was lip-smacking good, and everyone pitched in with more ice cream and all the fixin’s. What a treat! Good idea, Diane!

After lunch, a first occurred for us: karaoke! Wow! Kudos to Dale for helping to work off all the lunch and dessert calories, and what a talented bunch of folks we have here!

I don’t know about the rest of you, but it was one of the best rainy days I’ve dragged myself out of bed to experience in a long time.
Thanks, again! Linda Maiolo

Diane sends along her thanks and appreciation to everyone that was able to bring in something for the desserts. YUMMY!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Home Photo Printers Replacing Some Computer-Printer Volume

A considerable portion of the prints made on home computer printers has been lost during the last few years, according to the latest nationwide survey of 5,985 U.S. families conducted by PMA® Marketing Research. More specifically, 12 percent of the prints made by U.S. households in 2006 were made on computer printers, compared to 38 percent in 2004. Home photo printers, at the same time, accounted for 22 percent of total prints in 2006, compared to only 13 percent in 2004.

Source: 2007 PMA Digital Imaging Survey

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Prep Meeting Friday

Don't forget that our final prep meeting is this Friday, starting promptly at 9am.

Following the prep meeting, Mr G will be cooking ont he grill for us all. If you haven't responded to Diane yet about adding to the sundaes, please do so soon!

Friday, April 20, 2007

With only 3 weeks left to Relay Day, I hope everyone is excited for this event! We've got Sandwich platters for dinner on Fri. and Lunch on Sat. Also, We are planning a special Breakfast on Sat. Morning. Looking to see how many are staying straight through fri. till sat. so we will have a place for you to lie your sleepy heads for a while. Look for our team name to be announced next week! Finally......Please continue to ask your friends and family for whatever they can afford to donate to this very worthy cause. Only 2 weeks left to collect $$.

More "walk talk" comming soon.......

Open Position

Customer Sales Coordinator

Position Summary
Reporting to the Customer Sales Supervisor, this position will be responsible for the day-to-day functions of the inside customer sales office in our Holyoke, MA studio. This position is an hourly, full time position.

• Regulate and control the flow of customers in and out of our office.
• Ensure sales and sales support break schedules are met.
• Assist the Sales Supervisor with project delegation, monitoring and completion.
• Assure accurate reporting of sales with Sales Supervisor.
• Will take on the role of “acting leader” in the absence of the Supervisor.
• Manage multiple tasks in a fast-paced, deadline driven environment.
• Conduct new-hire training.
• Other duties as assigned.

The successful applicant will have proven leadership in a customer service field and a client-centric attitude in providing excellent and seamless service. The applicant must be able to problem solve within a short time and must make quick decisions to ensure customer satisfaction and company goals.

Deadline to apply is April 27, 2007

Interested Candidates May Send A Resume And Cover Letter To:

Grynn & Barrett Studios
Attn: Employment
404 Jarvis Avenue
Holyoke, MA 01040

Applicants may also apply online at or apply in person at our studio

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Relay Pins Available

Meg has made purple ribbon pins for the Relay for Life that she is selling for $1 (proceeds benefit the relay). Stop by and load up on them for yourself, family and friends!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Our "O8" is in this is pick a pose number 4!!!
Get ready for the O8 season we are!

Relay info...."Walk Talk"

Hi Everyone! Just wanted to be sure that everyone who is intrested in walking for the "Relay for Life" G&B Team is signed up downstairs in the lunchroom and that you have a sponsor envelope. We have less than 3 weeks to collect $$ for this very worthy cause and we want to start turning in our donations very soon. Also, you can sell luminarieas for $5 each and turn the money in with the rest of your donations.

Please help us make this years effort the best ever!!


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Adding Your Comments

Did you know that you do not have to be a member of Blogger to add your own comments to any of our posts? All you have to do is click on "comments" under the post and you can add your comments.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Just wanted everyone to know the newest news with Jackie!!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Most of your computers are now set to open the blog when your computer turns on. DO NOT CHANGE THIS SETTING. We want you reading the blog daily, looking for any updates, pictures, whatever!

Great singing by everyone today...2 renditions of Happy Birthday in 5 minutes. I still think Eddie was hiding out, trying to avoid the serenade.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Prep Meeting Friday!

Don't forget that we have our 3rd prep meeting this coming Friday. It starts promptly at 9am, and we'll be holding it in the studio. Rick & Ross from Giombetti Associates will be here to talk to us about communication.