Friday, April 27, 2007

Messages From Friday

There is such a good feeling in the air today, even though it’s a rainy April day. Our last “Prep” meeting of the year was marked by great reviews of all we’ve accomplished in the last few months, and capped off by a super delivery from Dr. Steve Sobel. He made us laugh so much that we worked up an appetite.
When we arrived at work today, to the sight of our brand-new canopy/tent in the lot, which had been set up at 8 a.m. by Jason and some helpers, we knew then that the cookout would go on as planned, even in the rain.

All of us left the table with very full bellies, thanks to Bob, Helene, and Jimmy who worked tirelessly to feed us the best burgers and dogs. Thanks from all of us to them, especially for enduring the chill and the sprinkles. And thanks to Larry, Dan, Marc, and Chris for supplying the food.

As if that wasn’t enough, we had our first “make your own sundae” dessert in a long time. Gail supplied some homemade ice cream that was lip-smacking good, and everyone pitched in with more ice cream and all the fixin’s. What a treat! Good idea, Diane!

After lunch, a first occurred for us: karaoke! Wow! Kudos to Dale for helping to work off all the lunch and dessert calories, and what a talented bunch of folks we have here!

I don’t know about the rest of you, but it was one of the best rainy days I’ve dragged myself out of bed to experience in a long time.
Thanks, again! Linda Maiolo

Diane sends along her thanks and appreciation to everyone that was able to bring in something for the desserts. YUMMY!


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