Thursday, June 28, 2007

Customer Comment Through MySpace

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Check out the island on your next drive by

We finally got the island by the stop light de-weeded!

Thank you to Heather and Danielle who showed up early Saturday morning to help. Without them, I'd have been pulling weeds and spreading mulch till Tuesday!

Also thank you to Gail who added the new plant in the middle of the island.

Now just to keep the weeds from growing....


Monday, June 25, 2007

last day to order!

For those of you who are intrested in ordering something from the "Creative Memories" catalog,
today is the last day to order so I can get it back to my wife for tomorrow's party. (If you are intrested in attending the party, please let me is a my house tomorrow night at 6pm)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Please say hi!

For those of you that were unaware, we have a new sales rep. on our team. His name is Vincent
Giarratana and his territory will be central CT, southeastern CT and RI. He will be spending some time with diffrent teams today to get the flavor of our business so please introduce yourself and make him feel welcome!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How creative are you?

For anyone who has any intrest...... My wife Heather is having a creative memories party next Tue. night at our house.(6/26 at 6:30pm) For those that are not familiar w/ Creative Memories it is a scrapbooging or memory book company that sells the systems and all the tools to create beautiful memory books/scrapbooks. For those of you that have ever considered getting into scrapbooking, this would be an excellent opportunity to see what it is all about. (No Obligation to purchase anything)

I have left a catalog downstairs on "the shelf" if you want to check out some of the cool gadgets or if you can not make the party but would like to order something. Thanks!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Cool Stuff!

I hope everyone is as proud of our team as I am, but to be up more than 425 sitting to date over last year is a significant accomplishment! It is also a good indication that we had a lot of the right pieces in place this year! I'd like to take just a minute to recognize a few people for their contributions to this effort. Gail did a great job scheduling the slide shows with all of the schools to let us present to their kids. This end of year time is VERY valueable to the administrators, the teachers and the kids so the fact that we were able to schedule as many as we did was great and was a truely chalenging undertaking. Thank Gail! To Michael,Harvey and Dan- Great promotional materials. I know a lot of work went into these and the results are apparent. To Danielle, Michael and Gail Great Job on the Agent Program.(lots of legwork here to make this successful) and Danielle...what a great idea in the make-up line, no wonder that even after adding additional sittings in June our Elite sittings are SOLT OUT for June! Awesome! I also want to recognize Tracey for all of her hard work designing and creating every media presentation that was tailor made for each individual school with their school's kids featured in it! Great Job!! For everyone who helped out in making the phones ring that I did not mention, I'm sorry but I just want to thank everyone for the TEAM effort that made this work! Keep it rolling!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Excellent Customer Feedback!

Message: You guys all rock! My daughter had her senior pics done yesterday and it was an excellent experience in every step - to check in, makeup and of course the photographers. Kate felt like a supermodel! No doubt we will be back when her brother is a senior and most likey before that.......
Thanks a bunch!

Way to go everyone!


Congrats David!

David Smith, our Senior Fashion Coordinator extraordinaire, graduated on Sunday, June 10th, from Cambridge College. We are sure he will be a great success in his further studies or human services position. Great job, Dave, and congratulations!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Comic from Debbie

Here's a comic that Debbie brought in today. Mary, we could use this idea for job postings!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Job Opening

For those of you who have not heard.......Katie Haubner will be leaving us to pursue other intrests. With her departure, we now have an opening in the Massachusetts Territory. If anyone knows of anyone who would be a good fit for this outside sales position, please have them fwd. a resume to Jason or Dale. Good luck Katie in your new endeavor.