Friday, June 15, 2007

Cool Stuff!

I hope everyone is as proud of our team as I am, but to be up more than 425 sitting to date over last year is a significant accomplishment! It is also a good indication that we had a lot of the right pieces in place this year! I'd like to take just a minute to recognize a few people for their contributions to this effort. Gail did a great job scheduling the slide shows with all of the schools to let us present to their kids. This end of year time is VERY valueable to the administrators, the teachers and the kids so the fact that we were able to schedule as many as we did was great and was a truely chalenging undertaking. Thank Gail! To Michael,Harvey and Dan- Great promotional materials. I know a lot of work went into these and the results are apparent. To Danielle, Michael and Gail Great Job on the Agent Program.(lots of legwork here to make this successful) and Danielle...what a great idea in the make-up line, no wonder that even after adding additional sittings in June our Elite sittings are SOLT OUT for June! Awesome! I also want to recognize Tracey for all of her hard work designing and creating every media presentation that was tailor made for each individual school with their school's kids featured in it! Great Job!! For everyone who helped out in making the phones ring that I did not mention, I'm sorry but I just want to thank everyone for the TEAM effort that made this work! Keep it rolling!


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