Monday, April 21, 2008

Relay Fundraiser

Hey Everyone!
So I wanted to give you all a run-down of the Relay Fundraiser event we are holding here on May 4. It is from 9-3 and it is going to be a car wash (cars are $5.00 and trucks are $7.00), tag sale, bake sale and bottle/can drive. For the tag sale, bring in things from home that you do not need anymore. We are asking that no one bring in anything before the MAY 2nd. After 5pm on May 2nd, we can bring the tag sale items into the senior lounge/lobby (tbd). Anything that does not sell will be donated to the Salvation Army (or another charity) on Monday morning. We are only going to have people from the studio bring things in for the tag sale. We are going to determine how the tag sale will run and once we do we will ask you to label your own items with prices. Bake sale- we are asking people to make things to sell at the bake sale. A variety of things would be wonderful. Can/bottle drive- kinda self-explanatory :) We are asking that you tell friends and family and help to get the word out. We are going to need help the day of to man all of the stations. If you have anyone that would like to come and help, that would be great. If you have any questions, please see Jenna or Dale. We are working on shirts- we will let you know if there is a cost or not. Thank you all in advance!!


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