Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Pic Today

At Meg's request:

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

She's Here!

Aleksandra "Allie" Sofia Randall
May 25, 2008
7 lbs 9 oz
20 inches

Mommy and baby are home and doing great! (daddy too!)

Thank you for all the well wishes.

Please make sure Matt is staying out of trouble.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Relay Update

I just wanted to send a quick note thanking everyone who contributed their time and effort toward this years relay. It was a HUGE success. As a Team we raised over $5,400.00 to help support cancer research and help make it a little easier for those people suffering from cancer and their families.

The winners of the fundraising contest are as follows : 1st place- Jenna Medina gets 1 paid day off. 2nd place-Colleen Fisher gets a VIP parking spot for 1 month. 3rd place- Diane Lapite's monster truck gets a bath, courtesy of yours truely!

Thanks again everyone!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Lifetouch in the news...

Company to reprint yearbooks after head switching

Sun May 18, 2:57 AM ET

McKINNEY, Texas - School officials say they are appalled by altered photos — including heads on different bodies — in hundreds of McKinney High School yearbooks delivered this week.
Besides the head and body switching, some necks were stretched, one girl's arm was missing, and another girl's head was placed on what appeared to be a nude body, with the chest blurred.

A spokeswoman for Minnesota-based Lifetouch National School Studios Inc. said the alterations were "an unfortunate lapse in judgment" by an employee but didn't believe it was malicious.

The high school had required Lifetouch to make heads the same size and eyes at the same level in all student photos, company spokeswoman Sara Thurin Rollin said Saturday. The request was "unusual and definitely very particular, but that's not to suggest what happened here is acceptable," she said.

Rollin declined to say if the company fired or reprimanded the employee who altered the images. She said Lifetouch is taking full responsibility for the altered pictures, about 30 in all, and will pay to have the publication reprinted before the seniors graduate.

Lori Oglesbee, the school's yearbook adviser at McKinney High School, said the yearbook staff would spend the weekend rebuilding the yearbook.

McKinney is about 20 miles north of Dallas.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Relay Info.

We're getting very close to realy time. I have collected most of your envelopes and donations but if I have missed anyone please see me or leave your contributions on my chair. To confirm, we will have 3 top prizes. 1st place gets 1 paid day off, 2nd place gets a V.I.P. parking spot for 1 month, and 3rd place gets their car washed by yours truely. We are still looking for people to sign up on the track schedule (located in the kitchen, on the wall)for the weakly covered time slots. We really want to keep Lisa's putter moving around that track for the entire relay and we definately need your help.

Kudos to Jenna and company for organizing an increadible Fundraising Extravaganza. And thank you to everyone who contributed in any way to this event. It was a HUGE success that raised over $900 toward our fundraising efforts. Also, Thanks to Linda M. we will have food throughout the event. Hot Dogs and Beans on Fri. at 6pm, $ X-large Pizzas at 10pm and Breakfast at 9 am on Sat. Thanks for keeping the team fueled!

Currently in the lead for fundraising are Colleen, Diane and Jenna and I believe less than $100 seperates these leaders. In addition, There are a few other contenders that are not that far away. So please finish up your fundraising efforts today and turn in all money by tomorrow, Relay will let us count it untill Fri. AM.

Friday, May 09, 2008


From Dale:

All monies need to be turned in by Tuesday in order to be counted for our team. Pleaes give your envelopes to Dale by Tuesday.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Relay for Life - Bank Night

Dale says the first bank night for the Relay is tomorrow (Friday).
Please do your best to bring in your enevelopes for Dale tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Holyoke Agent Event

The event in Holyoke was awesome! 26 Agent showed up, some with parents. It was so exciting to see them all in one room after staring at their images for months! They loved their bags, face cards and candy! By the end of the night they loosened up and some Agents were exchanging phone numbers. Thanks to Dale, Eric and Ibby (and Marianne and Colleen) who attended the event and helped to make it a success! We appreciate your support! -Michael and Danielle

Wanted to let everyone know how the Agent events went in RH and in Holyoke.

RH: We certaintly had enough food! Three Agents attended and partook in food, fun and photography. I was able to have some great conversations with their moms and discuss the program at length.

Tag Sale Thanks

From Marc & the Brothers:
Thanks to Jenna and everyone that helped with the Tag Sale/Car Wash/Can Drive/Bake Sale on Sunday. It was a great success!
Thanks to those who helped organize, worked the event, bought things, donated items, and spread the word.
We raised a lot of money for the Relay & The American Cancer Society, ate some great food, and now have clean cars (thanks to Dale and Mike Stone!).

Monday, May 05, 2008

Don't forget the Baby Shower!!!

Don't forget:
we're having a baby shower for Jason & Vika
after work on Tuesday, May 6th!
Please let Meg or Linda M. know if you're coming.
We'll have snacks and, of course, presents!
Come help us celebrate and welcome the newest Randall!

Friday, May 02, 2008

Sunday's Big Event!!

Hey Everyone!
I am getting very excited about Sunday!  Don't forget to bring in all of your things for the tag sale and the can drive tonight or tomorrow morning.  I am going to need some people there at like 8 or 8:30 on Sunday morning to help set-up.  The shirts are almost done for this weekend.  If you have not signed up for a shirt for the Relay, you need to let me know next week so that we can make them.  If you have a specific area you would rather work in on Sunday, please let me know or I will just assign people places.  Thank you all for your help and I hope this is a huge success!!