Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Relay Info.

We're getting very close to realy time. I have collected most of your envelopes and donations but if I have missed anyone please see me or leave your contributions on my chair. To confirm, we will have 3 top prizes. 1st place gets 1 paid day off, 2nd place gets a V.I.P. parking spot for 1 month, and 3rd place gets their car washed by yours truely. We are still looking for people to sign up on the track schedule (located in the kitchen, on the wall)for the weakly covered time slots. We really want to keep Lisa's putter moving around that track for the entire relay and we definately need your help.

Kudos to Jenna and company for organizing an increadible Fundraising Extravaganza. And thank you to everyone who contributed in any way to this event. It was a HUGE success that raised over $900 toward our fundraising efforts. Also, Thanks to Linda M. we will have food throughout the event. Hot Dogs and Beans on Fri. at 6pm, $ X-large Pizzas at 10pm and Breakfast at 9 am on Sat. Thanks for keeping the team fueled!

Currently in the lead for fundraising are Colleen, Diane and Jenna and I believe less than $100 seperates these leaders. In addition, There are a few other contenders that are not that far away. So please finish up your fundraising efforts today and turn in all money by tomorrow, Relay will let us count it untill Fri. AM.


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