Friday, September 19, 2008

Thank you!

Thank you again to everyone who donated, participated in the fundraisers, and walked in the 6th Annual Western New England Walk Now for Autism. The walk raised over $140,000 and 2500 people participated in the walk. For more info, visit:

There's even a short video of the walkers. Thanks again!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Give the Kid His Break

One of our former Core staff employees is trying to pursue his dream. Help him out if you can.

To those of you that don't know me, let me tell you a little bit about myself. Those that do know me can skip to the next paragraph. My name is Mike Ross. I've been DJing and working with dance music for almost ten years. In the past five, I've dedicated all my energy to remixing (creating dance versions for play on the dance floor). I've recently graduated from one of the top recording arts schools in the country, with an 'A' average as well as awards. Unfortunately, this has gotten me no where, and I'm sending out this letter because I need help with something that could finally be my big break! The rest of the letter will explain what I'm doing and why I need your help. Everyone has a person in their family that has a dream, a passion that drives them to do something great. Before closing this out please consider helping me like you would want others to help that special person in your life. Thank you!

To some of you this might be news- others have already read my other e-mail. I know this is a long one, but please read this anyway. There's more information on voting as well as an update, and a new strategy. Thanks!

I apologize again for the mass e-mail (all the names were kept in the BCC line so I didn't give out your e-mail addresses).

As most of you know, I've entered a remix contest for Mariah Carey's new single. The winner will have their mix released and given a lot of exposure, which is really what I need. However, I didn't realize was that to have it heard by the judges, I need to be voted into the top ten. Please take a minute to click on the link below. It will take you directly to my submission page where you can both listen to my remix and vote for it.

I've remained in the top 10% (bouncing around between 18 and 80 out of almost 1,000 submissions, but I need to be one of the actual top ten submissions for this even to count. Voting ends this Friday the 12th. I'm assuming this means Thursday midnight. The contest is using my time zone (MA) so for those of you in LA I suppose it would end 9PM Thursday night.
I really need all the votes I can get, so please vote for my remix if you haven't already, and forward this along to anyone you can think of. Every vote counts, and I appreciate 100% the help of each individual person that takes the time to vote for me. Having said that, I still need more. I don't think I know enough people. I'm counting on the butterfly effect here (people sending it to more people, sending it to more people, etc). Please forward this along to as many people as possible- family, friends, co-workers, etc. Don't hesitate to send it to people that I might know or be related to. I don't have everyone's e-mail addresses! I think this is the part that will really make the difference, provided people are voting.

You can only vote once per e-mail address. This part's really a pain, I know, but I need your support.

Here's a break down of what to expect and how to vote:
-When you click the vote button a dialogue box will pop up and ask you for your e-mail address. This is not for the purpose of spam, but to keep people from voting more than once.
-After you enter your e-mail address and click vote, you need to go to your e-mail and click on a link sent automatically by the website. This link confirms your vote (i.e. makes it count).
-Please vote once for each and every e-mail you have!
-Be careful- sometimes if you try to vote more than once from the same computer, the vote button changes to a "thanks for voting" button. If you vote then, it removes a vote (only after you confirm from your e-mail again- so it's OK if you inadvertantly click). If you refresh the page and click on the button right away you can get it before it changes to "thanks for voting".

Thank you so much for all of your help, you have no idea how much I appreciate this!

Mike (DJ Shpank)

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Don't Forget!

The Autism Walk is coming up in 2 weeks...September 13th at Stanley Park in Westfield. Registration starts at 9am and the walk starts at 10am. Free parking is down the street at Westfield State (there are buses to bring you to the registration area), there will be food and games after the walk. The walk itself is mostly symbolic--once around the park at a leisurely pace! Kids and families are welcome. Please let me know if you'd like more info, would like to donate, or want to walk with us. I don't currently have anyone signed up to walk with me, so please don't make me do it alone! We'll be wearing our tie-dyed shirts (unless someone would like to volunteer to make new shirts for us!) and make sure to wear comfy shoes. Bring rain gear just in case!
Thanks again to everyone who helped raise money and participated in the tie-dye event and potluck lunch. Your donations are going to a great cause that will help many children and families!