Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Don't Forget!

The Autism Walk is coming up in 2 weeks...September 13th at Stanley Park in Westfield. Registration starts at 9am and the walk starts at 10am. Free parking is down the street at Westfield State (there are buses to bring you to the registration area), there will be food and games after the walk. The walk itself is mostly symbolic--once around the park at a leisurely pace! Kids and families are welcome. Please let me know if you'd like more info, would like to donate, or want to walk with us. I don't currently have anyone signed up to walk with me, so please don't make me do it alone! We'll be wearing our tie-dyed shirts (unless someone would like to volunteer to make new shirts for us!) and make sure to wear comfy shoes. Bring rain gear just in case!
Thanks again to everyone who helped raise money and participated in the tie-dye event and potluck lunch. Your donations are going to a great cause that will help many children and families!


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