Friday, March 13, 2009

Hey Everyone!
I wanted to tell you about a new fun discovery I made.  If you go on to the Fast Lane website (for the Pike)-they are giving away free transponders when you sign up!!  You can get up to 4 free transponders under 1 account and you only need $20 to sign up.  You start with $20 either from a credit card or bank account and once the amount goes under $10, they take out the balance from your card or account to bring the total back up to $20.  I think I filled out the online information Wednesday night and I already received my 2 free transponders!!!!!  I am so excited about this and feel that everyone can benefit from the free transponders-even going to Westfield or Chicopee where the toll is free, now you just zip through the fast lane!  It is the best!  I hope that this is helpful to everyone and that you can take advantage of this great offer!  

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Give Blood!!!

Give blood on Monday, March 16th!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Movie Night!

Thank you Heather and Meg for putting together a great movie night!!

Allie had a blast!