Tuesday, May 01, 2007

BIG Relay news!

Ok....8 days left to collect money. 1st bank night is tomorrow (Wed. 5/2/07) So if you have any $$ collected, please bring it in tomorrow morning. If you have not collected $$ yet.......WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!!! The FINAL bank night is next Wed. May 9th. So I need everyones envelope and $$ by Tue. May 8th (That's only 1 week from today!)

What's that......... you say you want us to sweeten the pot!! Well OK!! Here is the deal.....
1st place fundraiser gets 1 Paid Day Off!!! 2nd place fundraiser gets the SOB parking spot for 1 month!!! and finally.....the 3rd place fundraiser get's a car wash by Dale and Jason!

Let's have some fun with this and raise $ for a great cause!!!!! (remember 1 week till turn in $$)


  • Guess I better come in 3rd!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:03 AM  

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