Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Thank You!

I just wanted to say Thank You to everyone who participated in the relay for life in some way or another. If you have not heard already, our team raised over $11,400 to help fund cancer research and for other programs to help cancer patients and their families.

Our top winners are as follows: Jenna Finn was our top fundraiser and will have a PAID DAY OFF ! Mary Jacobs will have the use of the SOB parking spot(or one of the 5 spots against the building if the brothers forget) This starts tomorrow and ends on June 17th so please make use of it Mary. And I will be washing my own car as I have given Jason a special dispensation for being willing to help me wash the car of the 3rd place winner in the first place!

I also wanted to thank Gail for arranging to have the camper there for sleeping accomodations,and for the wonderful baskets that she donated that helped make the raffel a big success. Also a BIG thank you to her son Christopher for cooking an exceptional breakfast on Sat. morning. (WOW!.... those omlettes were huge!!) This relay was something that I was very proud to be a part of and I truely want to thank everyone who helped make it a huge success.


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