Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Two Important Things--Please Read!

1. Shirley and I would like to collect donations for Karen (Archambeault) Newsome's son in memory of his father, Dan, who was killed in Iraq last week. (Their son is turning a year old this Friday.) The memorial service for Dan is Thursday morning at the Castle of Knights in Chicopee.

2. Larry, Linda M., and I met on Friday to discuss our first annual studio yearbook! If you have photos or text you would like to give me to use in the book, it would be much appreciated! The book is covering the end of 2005 through all of 2006. If you'd like to help, I need some text written for pages that are already done. I'm trying to get the book done in the next couple of weeks, so I'll be busy in my cubical!

Happy 4th of July!


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