Monday, September 17, 2007

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who donated to the walk for Autism Speaks/Walk Now for Autism! Our awesome team raised $800!!! That's almost double what we raised last year! The money we raised goes towards research, treatment, and hopefully finding a cure for Autism. Below are a few pictures from Saturday. A special *thank you* to the walkers: Heather, Melissa & Emily, Lauren, Gail, and Dale & family (Heather, Jaden, & Kyla).



  • I had such a GREAT time! The walk was a blast, I wish we did another lap some how...It went by so fast since we had such a great group of people to chat and joke around! Dale's impression of the umbrella javelin toss was unforgettable. Thanks to everyone who walked and donated!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:46 AM  

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