Thursday, June 05, 2008

Company Yearbook

Hi all,
I’m currently working on our 2007 company yearbook! I’m looking for ideas/designs for our yearbook cover, background designs (to use behind pictures), clip art (JPG or TIF files only), etc. Anyone who has pictures or stuff you want included in the yearbook, please let me know/give them to me. (Not Christmas pictures, though! I have tons!) I want to get all the stuff together before we all get too busy. I’m using School Annual's online program to make the yearbook, but if you would like to make pages in another program and give me a 300 dpi JPG, that would be fine. Or, if you'd like to help me make some pages, I can give you the access codes to go online. I could also use help coming up with some funky, “different” ideas for layouts and themes. Below are the topics we’d like to cover in this yearbook. Let me know if I’ve left out any work-related events! I'm also thinking it would be great to have everyone give me a baby picture of themself and put that in the yearbook, too! I'd like to make this book more like a typical "middle/elementary school" book, but a play on that idea--more humorous!

Thanks for your help!

1. Table of Contents page—page 1
2. Dedication—page 2
3. Staff photos—individuals or groups, maybe funny ones this year? Baby pictures? (I want to make it different from last year) Broken down by departments (or alphabetical???):
Brothers, Management, Upstairs staff (Seniors, Undergrads, Sports, Accounting, etc.), CSRs, Outside Sales, Downstairs Sales, Photographers, Rocky Hill staff, Finishing, HTR.
4. Candid photos—collages
5. BBQ–last prep meeting—ice cream sundae party—karaoke!—guest speakers (April?)
6. movie night (August 8)
7. Rock Cats game & picnic (August 1)
8. any other work-related special events/trips/fun things
9. Jenna’s Jack & Jill, shower, & Wedding (July & September)
10. Jackie’s Baby Shower & LJ (September)
11. Crystal’s Shower & Wedding (September & October)
12. Relay for Life (May)
13. Autism Walk (September)
14. any other charity events
15. Halloween (November)
16. Xmas events: Yankee Swap—Seasonal dinner—Core dinner/trip—our Xmas card pic (all in December)
17. Birthdays (all year)
18. Going-away parties: Katie & Mike (June & February?)
19. “Welcome—New Staff”: new core people: Crystal, Karen Barr, Tracey, Laurie, Vin, etc.
20. Awards (???)
21. changes in the company (???) (Examples: New studio locations, department changes, job role changes, new equipment.)
22. Superlatives with pictures! (vote on these??? Funny pictures???)
23. Thanks


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