Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Senior prank leaves beautiful mark

http://www.wwlp.com/dpp/news/strange/strange_kxan_texas_Senior_prank_leaves_beautiful_mark_2009041316292308810 AUSTIN (KXAN) - This is the time of year that high school seniors traditionally carry out some sort of on-campus prank to celebrate their graduation.
Though the pranks are usually harmless, there have been instances of vandalism and other destructive behavior at some Central Texas schools.
So students arriving for class at Westlake High School Monday morning were shocked to discover the handiwork of a group of graduating seniors. Not only was it not destructive, it was constructive.
Thanks to the late night efforts of 14 seniors, a barren traffic island was transformed into a garden, complete with flowers, plants, a tree and even a bench for resting and admiring the island's new-found beauty.
Senior Hank South said he hoped the work will mark the 2009 graduates as, "the class that changed tradition at Westlake."
"I don't know, I think it would be cool," said South. "I mean, they can still do their stupid prank stuff. But if they want to do like a nice prank every year from here on out, that would be kind of cool.”
The project cost an estimated $400, according to South, and all of the money came from student donations.


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