Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Senior Sitting Appointments Keep Rolling In!

If you haven't seen the chart outside of my office, check it out!

It compares the number of appointments made this year compared to last year.

So far, I like what I see on it!


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Dale, Stretching in the AM

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Thank You!

I just wanted to say Thank You to everyone who participated in the relay for life in some way or another. If you have not heard already, our team raised over $11,400 to help fund cancer research and for other programs to help cancer patients and their families.

Our top winners are as follows: Jenna Finn was our top fundraiser and will have a PAID DAY OFF ! Mary Jacobs will have the use of the SOB parking spot(or one of the 5 spots against the building if the brothers forget) This starts tomorrow and ends on June 17th so please make use of it Mary. And I will be washing my own car as I have given Jason a special dispensation for being willing to help me wash the car of the 3rd place winner in the first place!

I also wanted to thank Gail for arranging to have the camper there for sleeping accomodations,and for the wonderful baskets that she donated that helped make the raffel a big success. Also a BIG thank you to her son Christopher for cooking an exceptional breakfast on Sat. morning. (WOW!.... those omlettes were huge!!) This relay was something that I was very proud to be a part of and I truely want to thank everyone who helped make it a huge success.


The Bllod Mobile will be here tomorrow. So make sure to drink lots of water tonight and eat your green beans at dinner. This will give you the iron that you will need after donating.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Craft Fair this Saturday!

Hi all--
This Saturday, May 19th, I will be in a craft fair in the parking lot at Wal-Mart in Westfield. It is benefiting the Children's Miracle Network. It will be held from 9 am to 4 pm, rain or shine (hope for shine!). There will also be vendors selling hotdogs and sodas. My friend Anne and I will have a spot featuring jewelry, crafts, purses, flower fairies, painted items, etc. I hope to see you there!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Relay photos

Here's some photos from the Relay for Life on Friday night/Saturday morning. The first is a bunch of us that went over together: Jackie, Kimmy, Mary Henfey, Mary J, Eric, Jenna, & Crystal. A pic of our luminaries in front of our tent area--the luminaries were beautiful! Thanks to everyone who made one because it made our tent area look great. Also thanks to the tent setter-uppers and luminary setter-uppers! At left is a pic of Eric--need I say more? I have a few more pics, but these are the best. And I finally found how to turn my camera to night vision! :o) ~Meg


Friday, May 11, 2007

Relay GO TIME!!

WOW!! The big day is here! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at the HCC track at some point over the next day or so. Relay runs from 6pm today(Fri.) till 3pm tomorrow(Sat). We will have food so, come for a bite at 6pm today, or for a special breakfast tomorrow morning at 8am, orstop by and grab some Pizza tomorrow for lunch at noon. I wanted to take just a minute and thank everyone for putting such an increadible effort into fundraising. To this point we have raised over $10,000 for our team!!! That is amazing and it shows what the G&B team is capable of when we set out to do something! I know that Lisa would be proud of us all.

As far as the standings on the contest. Jenna is in the lead, with Mary J. in second place and yours truely is looking forward to having Jason help me wash my car.(My Pathfinder....not the rental) Thank you to everyone on team Picture Lisa for all your support!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Baby Girl

Diane would like to announce the birth of her new niece Alexis Maria Lapite. She was born Wednesday May 9th, weighing in at 5 lbs. 2 oz. The proud parents are Ray and Paula Lapite. Congratulations to them and Diane for the new addition to the family.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Blood Drive

Just a quick reminder that the blood drive will be held next Thursday the 17th. The sign up sheet is hanging up in the lunchroom. For those who didn't know, you will recieve a Red Sox shirt this time around. For those who do not want to keep their Red Sox shirt they are more than welcome to drop it off in my office and I will make sure it goes to someone who will really appreciate it.


Relay for Life Ribbons

Since the ribbons weren't a hot item, I'm offering a 2-for-1 special! Two ribbons for a $1 donation. Don't make me GIVE them away!!!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Bank Night for Relay-bring $$

Tomorrow is the final bank night. There will be an opportunity to turn in $$ up untill Friday but I am not sure if our team will receive credit for fundraising after tomorrow. So please do your best.

Also....Mary Jacobs is selling some beautiful (handmade by her mother) pearl neclaces just in time for Mother's Day and all the proceeds go to our fundraising effort for "Picture Lisa" so please see her if you are intrested.


Good news everyone, Ian bought a new pair of jeans, his first pair ever.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Bank Night for Relay-bring $$

Relay Update!! Just a reminder to bring in whatever you have collected so far either tomorrow Tue. or Wed. as the final Bank Night is THIS Wed. night. Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard collecting for this very worthy cause! Also...please pray for good weather!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

repost-relay update

Thank you to Gemma,Eddie, Meg and Regina for turning in the first wave of fundraising today. We will be puting together a golf basket for the relay raffell so if you have any golf items that you would like to donate....we will be happy to accept them. Our Site # will be E-29(in the same general area that we normally are in for those of you who have attended before. ) Also a reminder that there will be some fun laps scheduled like a 50's lap, teddy bear lap, sports lap, pajama lap, musical lap, crazy hat lap, etc. so bring your gear to the relay if you'ld like to have some fun.

Also, a reminder that the 4 brothers are not eligable for the 3 grand prizes. IF the contest were to end today, Gemma would get the PAID DAY OFF, Eddie would get the SOB Parking spot for 1 month, and Regina would have ONE VERY CLEAN CAR. 6 Days to get $$ in.......Let's work it!

May Birthdays!

A beautiful birthday poster created by Heather!

Relay update....

Thank you to Gemma,Eddie, Meg and Regina for turning in the first wave of fundraising today. We will be puting together a golf basket for the relay raffell so if you have any golf items that you would like to donate....we will be happy to accept them. Our Site # will be E-29(in the same general area that we normally are in for those of you who have attended before. ) Also a reminder that there will be some fun laps scheduled like a 50's lap, teddy bear lap, sports lap, pajama lap, musical lap, crazy hat lap, etc. so bring your gear to the relay if you'ld like to have some fun.

Also, a reminder that the 4 brothers are not eligable for the 3 grand prizes. IF the contest were to end today, Gemma would get the PAID DAY OFF, Eddie would get the SOB Parking spot for 1 month, and Regina would have ONE VERY CLEAN CAR. 6 Days to get $$ in.......Let's work it!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

BIG Relay news!

Ok....8 days left to collect money. 1st bank night is tomorrow (Wed. 5/2/07) So if you have any $$ collected, please bring it in tomorrow morning. If you have not collected $$ yet.......WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!!! The FINAL bank night is next Wed. May 9th. So I need everyones envelope and $$ by Tue. May 8th (That's only 1 week from today!)

What's that......... you say you want us to sweeten the pot!! Well OK!! Here is the deal.....
1st place fundraiser gets 1 Paid Day Off!!! 2nd place fundraiser gets the SOB parking spot for 1 month!!! and finally.....the 3rd place fundraiser get's a car wash by Dale and Jason!

Let's have some fun with this and raise $ for a great cause!!!!! (remember 1 week till turn in $$)

Something Everyone Should Read - ID Theft

Business news reports of the massive hacker invasion at the parent
company of TJ Maxx and Marshalls illustrate the legal exposure all
organizations have for their customer and employee files. The company
faces not only federal and state regulatory action for the breaches but
also has had 18 class action suites filed against it in the first quarter of

In this week's E-Tips, we are departing from our normal format of
reporting on HR policy and compliance issues and, instead, are providing
15 tips to help you and your employees reduce your financial exposure
to identity theft. These tips are not a substitute for employer action to
secure private information in data files, but are guidelines to help anyone
concerned about ID theft and the related financial risks.

15 Steps to Protect Your Identity

1) Lock up your social security card, birth certificate, passport, and
other personal IDs that contain sensitive information. Do not carry these
items with you (except when absolutely necessary, such as to travel to a
foreign country) or keep them in areas accessible to workers in your

2) Do not give out your social security number (SSN) unless
absolutely necessary. Ask for a different identifying number if the SSN is
being used (such as for a state driver's license).

3) Destroy all documents containing personally identifying
information when you dispose of them. In particular, make sure to
destroy bank and credit card statements, expired credit cards, old tax
documents, health insurance forms, medical records, and utility bills. If
you use a shredder, use one that cross shreds for the best destruction.

4) Shred all credit card and mortgage offers. ID thieves can use
them to apply for credit in your name. Better yet, call 1-888-5-OPTOUT
(1-888-567-8688) to opt out of receiving offers of credit based on your
credit report.

5) Limit the number of credit cards you have and cancel all card
accounts that you do not currently use. The fewer cards you have, the
easier it is to keep track of them.

6) Check credit card and bank statements each month as soon as
they arrive or are available online. This is the best way to detect any
unauthorized use, plus most credit card companies and financial
institutions only allow you to challenge mistakes for a set period of time,
typically 60 days. Also, ask credit card companies not to send you
"convenience" checks that could easily be stolen.

7) Limit use of debit cards attached to your bank accounts. For
example, do not use them at restaurants (or anywhere else that
they leave your sight) or for online transactions. Federal law,
bank policies, and debit card issuers generally protect against
most debit card losses, but the extent of the protection varies.
And, as a practical matter, your bank account could be emptied
before you can stop unauthorized transactions, leaving you with
no cash – at least for some period of time.

8) Pick up new checks at the bank instead of having them sent to
your mailbox.

9) Keep an eye on your mail. Deposit outgoing mail in post office
collection boxes, don't put it in your home mailbox if it is unsecured, and
promptly remove delivered mail. Stop mail delivery when you go on

10) Check your credit report regularly to look for unauthorized credit
applications. The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA),
the same law that requires employers to properly dispose of consumer
reports created by third parties, gives every person a free annual credit
report. To get yours, visit or call toll-free 1-

11) Do not respond to unsolicited email asking for personal
information – so-called "phishing" and "pharming" schemes. Thieves
often will send out emails that appear to be from legitimate entities, such
as banks, asking you to provide personal information, account
information, and passwords. Some even direct you to provide the info on
"secure" fake Web sites that look authentic, using corporate logos, etc.
As a practical note, your bank or credit card issuer typically will not send
out emails to ask for this type of information. If you really think it is from
your bank, call them directly, but do not use a number provided on a
suspicious email.

12) Protect your home computer. Use, and update regularly, virus
and firewall protections to prevent outside access to your computer.
Also, use "strong" passwords to protect your financial and other personal
information that mix letters and numbers. Do not use common identifiers
like your mother's maiden name or your birth date. In addition, change
passwords regularly for added protection and keep any written record of
your passwords in a secure place, not on your computer.

13) Destroy all personal and financial information on your computers
before discarding or giving them away. Simply deleting files is not
enough. You need to erase the files using special data destruction

14) Immediately report any losses of personal identification and
credit cards. For example, close credit card accounts and contact your
state's drivers' license agency to flag your file so no one else can apply
for a driver's license in your name.

15) Consider purchasing special ID theft protection. ID theft
protection plans typically monitor your credit report and report any
suspicious activity. In the event of a theft, the best plans will help you file
reports, dispute unauthorized activity, and restore your identity.
Be Prepared

While experts analyzing the ID theft statistics can't seem to agree on
how many people have been affected by ID theft (millions or thousands),
they do all seem to label it as the fastest growing white collar crime.

And most experts also agree that tracking down ID theft and repairing
your credit can take hundreds of hours of your time, result in lost
workdays, and cause stress. So, make sure to protect yourself by taking
the 15 simple actions recommended above.

Also, just as importantly, if you become a victim of ID theft, take action
quickly. You still can limit the damage by taking immediate steps to alert
banks and creditors about the theft. The FTC recommends ID theft
victims take the following four actions immediately:

1) Place a fraud alert on your credit reports to prevent thieves from
opening more accounts in your name by calling one of the three major
report companies, Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion.

2) Close all accounts that you know, or think, have been affected.

3) File a police report to register the theft with your local authorities.
4) File a complaint with the FTC to help law enforcement agencies
track down identity thieves and spot trends. The FTC also may be able
to refer you to other agencies that can help you.

For further tips and information on ID theft or to file a complaint, visit the
FTC on its Web site at, or call the
FTC's ID Theft Hotline at 1-877-ID-THEFT (438-4338).