Monday, July 30, 2007

Who wants to rock??

Wanted to let everyone know that we will be playing out at our first bar gig at The Rumble Seat on Springfield St. in Chicopee this Thursday at 9pm. We are a Poison tribute band that will throw some other 80's and 90's tunes in for good measure. (If you get there before 8:30 pm you can get a good spot.) I'd love to see the place packed and would really like to see a good showing from G & B so please come and bring some friends......oh and remember to brush up on your POISON......we may just have some audience participation that night. Hope to see you there!


Jason shot an 89 at Ledges in S.H. on Sunday, We golfed with Hector and his Dad and we all had fun. Marc

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Autism Walk on 9/15/07 in Westfield

Hi Everyone! The Western New England Autism walk will be held at Stanley Park in Westfield on September 15th, 2007. Please join us! Families and children are welcome! There will be food and lots of fun activities after the walk. If you can't join us, please consider donating. Even a few dollars will help fund research to understand, treat, and hopefully cure Autism. Walk day is an inspiring celebration of children and families living with Autism. If you're not sure that you can raise a lot of money, don't worry! My first year walking, I gave about $20! There is no minimum or requirements to walk--just a fun & hopeful attitude! If you have any questions, please see me (I'm the team captain) or visit the sites below. Thank you!

To learn more about Autism Speaks, please visit

Click here to visit my personal page.If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:

Click here to view the team page for Grynn & Barrett StudiosIf the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:

Friday, July 20, 2007

Movie Night at the G&B

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Greens Have It!

Thanks to everyone who gave their feedback about the G&B yearbook cover...Green is the winner! Thanks again to Tracey for creating the designs, and to everyone else that helped with the yearbook. Don't forget to save stuff for this year's book (calendar year 2007)!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Great thanks and kudos go to Dave Smith, Sabrina Metivier and Gail Proulx who helped work through a tough situation with a customer on Friday. Great job on keeping cool and helping the customer out!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Thank you to everyone who donated to Karen & her family. We'll be sending a check later today. If you haven't donated yet and would like to, please see me today. If you haven't signed the card yet, please stop by my cubical and sign it. (You don't have to donate to sign the card--let's send as many good wishes as we can!)

Thanks to everyone who's helped with the yearbook so far. If you would still like to help, I could use some text for a few of the pages. Please see me or email me.

The Autism Walk is going to be held on September 15th at Stanley Park in Westfield. The kick-off dinner for the walk will be held on Wednesday, July 25th at the Log Cabin from 6:30-9 pm. Please let me know by this Thursday if you'd like to attend with me. It's free (great food!) and inspiring. Many people speak about how Autism effects their bring a tissue!

Another way you can help is if you have an American Express card, visit the website below and vote to donate money to finding a cure for Autism!
Thanks again~ Meg

Thank you to everyone who donated to Karen and her family. We'll be sending one check later today--so if you still haven't donated and would like to, please see me today. Also, if you haven't signed the card, please stop by my cubical and sign it. (You don't have to donate to sign the card--let's send as many good wishes as we can!)

Thanks also to everyone who has given me photos or offered to write text for the yearbook. I could still use help with some text about Rocky Hill, the Boston Bus Trip, 05 Xmas Buffet & name change announcement, and the SOB BBQ (where we received our SOB shirts--around Halloween 05).

The Autism Walk is quickly approaching, and I'm starting to get info about it. Below is a link to vote for an Autism cure on the American Express site. If you have an American Express card, please visit the site listed below and vote to donate money to finding a cure for Autism! This year, the walk is September 15th at Stanley Park in Westfield. The kick-off dinner for the walk is Wednesday, July 25th at the Log Cabin. Please let me know by this Thursday if you would like to go with me--it's free (great food!) and truly inspiring. Lots of people give speeches about how Autism effects their lives, so you might need to bring a tissue! Also let me know if you'd like to be on our team this year. Last year, we only had 4 people walk, and I'd like to see more this year! (We might even do T-shirts...)


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Two Important Things--Please Read!

1. Shirley and I would like to collect donations for Karen (Archambeault) Newsome's son in memory of his father, Dan, who was killed in Iraq last week. (Their son is turning a year old this Friday.) The memorial service for Dan is Thursday morning at the Castle of Knights in Chicopee.

2. Larry, Linda M., and I met on Friday to discuss our first annual studio yearbook! If you have photos or text you would like to give me to use in the book, it would be much appreciated! The book is covering the end of 2005 through all of 2006. If you'd like to help, I need some text written for pages that are already done. I'm trying to get the book done in the next couple of weeks, so I'll be busy in my cubical!

Happy 4th of July!