Monday, July 09, 2007

Thank you to everyone who donated to Karen and her family. We'll be sending one check later today--so if you still haven't donated and would like to, please see me today. Also, if you haven't signed the card, please stop by my cubical and sign it. (You don't have to donate to sign the card--let's send as many good wishes as we can!)

Thanks also to everyone who has given me photos or offered to write text for the yearbook. I could still use help with some text about Rocky Hill, the Boston Bus Trip, 05 Xmas Buffet & name change announcement, and the SOB BBQ (where we received our SOB shirts--around Halloween 05).

The Autism Walk is quickly approaching, and I'm starting to get info about it. Below is a link to vote for an Autism cure on the American Express site. If you have an American Express card, please visit the site listed below and vote to donate money to finding a cure for Autism! This year, the walk is September 15th at Stanley Park in Westfield. The kick-off dinner for the walk is Wednesday, July 25th at the Log Cabin. Please let me know by this Thursday if you would like to go with me--it's free (great food!) and truly inspiring. Lots of people give speeches about how Autism effects their lives, so you might need to bring a tissue! Also let me know if you'd like to be on our team this year. Last year, we only had 4 people walk, and I'd like to see more this year! (We might even do T-shirts...)



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