Monday, July 09, 2007

Thank you to everyone who donated to Karen & her family. We'll be sending a check later today. If you haven't donated yet and would like to, please see me today. If you haven't signed the card yet, please stop by my cubical and sign it. (You don't have to donate to sign the card--let's send as many good wishes as we can!)

Thanks to everyone who's helped with the yearbook so far. If you would still like to help, I could use some text for a few of the pages. Please see me or email me.

The Autism Walk is going to be held on September 15th at Stanley Park in Westfield. The kick-off dinner for the walk will be held on Wednesday, July 25th at the Log Cabin from 6:30-9 pm. Please let me know by this Thursday if you'd like to attend with me. It's free (great food!) and inspiring. Many people speak about how Autism effects their bring a tissue!

Another way you can help is if you have an American Express card, visit the website below and vote to donate money to finding a cure for Autism!
Thanks again~ Meg


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