Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Donations for the Troops

The paragraph below is from the Mix 93.1 website. Pathways to Healing and the Department of Veterans' Services (my stepbrother is the Director) are collecting items to send overseas to the troops. I'll hang up a list of the items needed in the lunchroom. Anyone that would like to donate, please do so! We can start a collection right here and I (or anyone who would like to drive over) can get it over to Agawam. Please consider spending a few dollars the next time you're in the grocery store or drug store. I think it's a great way to help that is inexpensive and shows the troops we care. Also, if you have kids or work with kids, you could have them draw pictures or write notes to the troops, which we could include with the items. You can drop items off at my desk.
NOTE: these items need to be collected and delivered to Pathways by October 31st!
Thanks for reading! ~Meg

Holiday season--you think of Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Hanukkah, right? Let’s remember Veteran's Day too. A big push is underway to send support from home to our troops in Iraq. Pathways to Healing has joined forces with the Dept. of Veterans Services to collect and send much needed items to our service men and women for a November delivery. To arrange pick-up of items call Geri at 413-789-7455.To see the list of needed items please click on this link and be sure to share with friends, family, and co-workers. It's our time to help.


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