Monday, June 08, 2009

Yearbook help

Hi all,
I'm getting together stuff for our 2008 company yearbook, and I could use some help! Below are the events from 2008, and the ones that I'm looking for pictures from are in red. Please email me or give me a CD of any images you would like to share. If I've forgotten an event, please let me know and I'll add it to the list. I'm also looking for suggestions for the yearbook dedication. If you'd like to help with text or design, please let me know that as well.

In chronological order:
60th bday celebration - February
Relay - May
Gaining Hilton/Framingham/Westborough - spring

Proms - spring
Lindsey leaves - spring
Ally is born! – May 25 (Jason)
Prep meetings/BBQ at Log Cabin - April
Red Sox pix at MSSAA Summer Institute - July
Picnic/beach – July 26
Thriller! – July/August
Jackie & Luke’s wedding – August 2nd (Jackie)
Tie Dying - August
Michael’s fake going away party – September 5
Autism Walk – September 13
Danielle’s going away - October
Craft fair – November 26
Fire truck changes our flag – December 6
Sales team software training—PIMS – December 7
Yearbook training – December 10
Xmas party –December 6
Xmas tree lighting in foyer – December 18
Yankee swap – December 24

Undated events:
Awards & Honors
“Marc fixes things”
Potluck lunches


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