Friday, July 18, 2008

Tie Dye Day & Potluck Lunch!!!

We'll be having a Tye Dye T shirt Day on July 23rd & July 24th. The minimum contribution is $6 per person/shirt (you are more than welcome to donate more if you would like). Bring your own PREWASHED white T shirt and a gallon-sized ziplock bag. If you are prone to be messy bring something to cover up or change into! July 31st we'll all wear our Tie Dye shirts and we'll have a Potluck, too!

There will be sign up sheets downstairs for the tye dying and potluck. Please sign up if you would like to participate in either! (We'll need a tye dye count so we can make sure to have enough supplies.)

We are also in need of large Buckets, Rubber Bands, & Rubber Gloves!!!
Please let Meg or Karen know what you can bring to help out by Tuesday, July 22nd!

Don't forget: the wearing of the Tye Dyed T’s and Potluck Lunch is July 31st!!!

The monies raised will go towards the Autism Walk! Your donation should be given to Meg before July 31st.



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